
Pokemon moon secrets moves
Pokemon moon secrets moves


Make your way to the back room, always selecting “Mimikyu?” instead of “Pikachu?” when given the option 4.


At night, return to the Ghost Trial site below Tapu Village 3. Found in the Ghost Trial site upon returning there at night after finishing Nanu’s Grand Trial (1.Primarium Z turns Primarina’s Sparkling Aria into the Z-Move Oceanic Operetta.Incinium Z turns Incineroar’s Darkest Lariat into the Z-Move Malicious Moonsault.Decidium Z turns Decidueye’s Spirit Shackle into the Z-Move Sinister Arrow Raid.You will receive the other two Z-Crystals from Hala after you interact with and defeat him in Iki Town after becoming the Champion.After defeating Guzma in Malie Garden during the main story, Professor Kukui will give you Decidium Z if your starter was Rowlet, Incinium Z if your starter was Litten or Primarium Z if your starter was Popplio.Turns Lycanroc’s Stone Edge into the Z-Move Splintered Stormshards.Received from Hau after defeating him in Malie City during the main story.Turns a Pikachu’s Volt Tackle into the Z-Move Catastropika.Received by the famous Pikachu’s assistant at the Hano Grand Resort after fighting off a reporter.Turns Pikachu’s Thunderbolt into the Z-Move 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt.Received from the shy Pikachu in Pikachu Valley if you have a Pikachu with Ash’s hat in your party (it doesn’t matter which Ash hat Pikachu you have).Turns Marshadow’s Spectral Thief into the Z-Move Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike.Received by an elderly man in a blue shirt in a room on the third floor of the Tide Song Hotel after showing him a Marshadow.Turns Mew’s Psychic into the Z-Move Genesis Supernova.Received by an elderly man in a blue shirt in a room on the third floor of the Tide Song Hotel after showing him a Mew.Turns Snorlax’s Giga Impact into the Z-Move Pulverizing Pancake.Received by an elderly man in a blue shirt in a room on the third floor of the Tide Song Hotel after showing him a Snorlax.These Z-Crystals tend to be harder to come across that Type Z-Crystals. There are also several Z-Crystals that can only be used by specific Pokémon knowing specific moves. Turns Ice moves into the Z-Move Subzero Slammer.Turns Ground moves into the Z-Move Tectonic Rage.Received from Kahuna Hapu after finishing her Grand Trial.Turns Fairy moves into the Z-Move Twinkle Tackle.Received from Captain Mina after finishing her Trial.Turns Dragon moves into the Z-Move Devastating Drake.Found in an altar after finishing the captain-less Dragon Trial in Vast Poni Canyon.Turns Poison moves into the Z-Move Acid Downpour.Received from Plumeria after defeating her on Poni Island when entering Vast Poni Canyon.Turns Dark moves into the Z-Move Black Hole Eclipse.Received from Kahuna Nanu after finishing his Grand Trial.Turns Bug moves into the Z-Move Savage Spin-Out.


  • Found in a chest full of Buginium Z-Crystals in Shady House in Po Town after defeating Guzma.
  • Turns Psychic moves into the Z-Move Shattered Psyche.
  • Found in an altar in Haina Desert after finishing Acerola’s Trial.
  • pokemon moon secrets moves

  • Turns Ghost moves into the Z-Move Never-Ending Nightmare.
  • Received from Captain Acerola after finishing her Trial.
  • Turns Electric moves into the Z-Move Gigavolt Havoc.
  • Received from Captain Sophocles after finishing his Trial.
  • Turns Steel moves into the Z-Move Corkscrew Crash.
  • Received from Molayne upon reaching the Hokulani Observatory.
  • Turns Rock moves into the Z-Move Continental Crush.
  • Received from Kahuna Olivia after finishing her Grand Trial.
  • Turns Grass moves into the Z-Move Bloom Doom.
  • Received from Captain Mallow after finishing her Trial.
  • Turns Fire moves into the Z-Move Inferno Overdrive.
  • Received from Captain Kiawe after finishing his Trial.
  • Turns Water moves into the Z-Move Hydro Vortex.
  • Received from Captain Lana after finishing her Trial.
  • Turns Flying moves into the Z-Move Supersonic Skystrike.
  • Found in an altar in Ten Carat Hill (requires Tauros).
  • Turns Fighting moves into the Z-Move All-Out Pummeling.
  • Received from Kahuna Hala after finishing his Grand Trial.
  • pokemon moon secrets moves

    Turns Normal moves into the Z-Move Breakneak Blitz.Received from Captain Ilima after finishing his Trial.Most of these Type Z-Crystals can be found by just playing through the games’ main stories. Many Z-Crystals are based off of Typings and any Pokémon can use any of these Z-Crystals just as long as that Pokémon knows a move with the same Type as the Z-Crystal they are holding. This guide will tell you where you can find all of the Z-Crystals in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. One of the new mechanics introduced in the seventh Generation of Pokémon games is the inclusion of Z-Moves, ultra-strong attacks that can be used if a Pokémon with the right move(s) is holding the correct Z-Crystal.

    Pokemon moon secrets moves