Treatment for these can be a little more complicated due to the presence of the physis (growth plate) and because this is where the surface of the joint is. There are multiple knobs, but most of the time the lateral or outer knob is the one that breaks. When the bone breaks right there, it’s called a condylar fracture. The bottom of the humerus has knobs known as condyles. It’s seen most often in children that are 9 to 14 years old. When a fracture occurs to the inside of the knob, this is called an epicondylar fracture. There is a knob of bone called the epicondyle that pokes out from the joint. This kind is a break on the inside part of the elbow tip. There may also be problems with circulation resulting from this kind of break. They can cause some serious damage for children because of the major nerves that run over the location. These are fairly common for young kids, but they’re something you should try to avoid. It also happens most often to kids who are pretty young, usually under eight years old. Of all of the kinds of breaks that can happen involving the elbow, this is the one you see the most. This is a fracture that is located in the humerus, so above the elbow. All aspects of the fracture are considered to determine what type of break you have. You might have a break that’s spiral, straight, slight, or severe. You could end up with fracturing on the top, the bottom, the front, or the back. The kind of fracture you end up with will depend on what causes it.
These activities just open the door more frequently for elbow fractures in children who also tend to have less awareness about how to look out for potential injury-inducing situations. Kids typically do a lot of physical things like riding bikes, scooters, skateboards, running and jumping outside, playing on playground equipment, and more. This sometimes causes a piece of the bone to get pulled off of another bone, usually the ulna.Īs we mentioned above, there are a lot of these fractures seen in children. Usually, when you have your arm in this position, everything is flexed and being held tightly.

We’re going to look at what these are, what symptoms you’ll see from the various types, and what the treatments are for each. There are a few different kinds of fractures involving the elbow. In fact, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 10% of the fractures kids get are elbow fractures. Elbow fractures happen quite frequently, and they can be extremely painful.