download the "Modified ddraw. (Using version 1.21 is not enough.) Thanks to Oracle's virtualization technology all you need to do is download the extracted v1.01 files from !h49h2CbA!nLPB1Cl4GeFjOgdNELtxe43DhO3065iUIreZBTf0HMA and copy them to your Hellfire directory overwriting everything. If you have 64 bit Windows you can't patch Hellfire to version 1.01 which is required for activating all the hidden content with command.txt. don't forget to add the command.txt containing "cowquest theoquest bardtest multitest barbariantest " into your Hellfire directory :)

run HFFsp.exe (haven't tried the multiplayer version) It'll allow you to replace parts of a file name, append or prepend characters to existing file names, as well as add dates, sequences or any other. You just have to tell the application to take all the occurrences of : and replace them with or another character that won’t mess up your processing. See above, NameChanger actually reads the slash character as a colon.

For advanced users there is support for Regular Expressions and a PascalScript. What the NameChanger application does is lets you replace characters across all the files you drag into a session window. extract Diablo_Hellfire_121_unofficial_patch\HFfixedsp\HFFsp.exe to your Hellfire directory NameChanger takes on file renaming with aplomb. ReNamer is a very powerful and flexible file renaming tool, which offers all the standard renaming procedures, including prefixes, suffixes, replacements, case changes, as well as removing contents of brackets, adding number sequences, changing file extensions, etc. download the "Unofficial Patch v1.21" file from mount the ISO image of Diablo (Hellfire will not work without the Diablo CD) create an ISO image from your installed Diablo directory copy the following files from your Diablo\dx directory to your Hellfire directory: ddraw.dll, dxcfg.exe, dxcfg.ini mount and install Hellfire ISO using the. download Hellfire ISO from here (which has a. Install Diablo, configure DX settings the way you like (recommended video settings: 800圆00, 60 Hz)

How to make Hellfire work in Windows 10 64 bit: